vetenskapliga artiklar


Digital Graphic Follow-up Tool (Rehabkompassen) for Identifying Rehabilitation Needs Among People After Stroke: Randomized Clinical Feasibility Study

JMIR Human Factors, JMIR Publications 2022, Vol. 9, (3)
Hu, X., Jonzén, K., Lindahl, O. A., Karlsson, M., Norström, F., Lundström, E., & Sunnerhagen, K. S.



Identifying sub-acute rehabilitation needs among individuals after transient ischaemic attack using rehab-compass as a simple screening tool in the outpatient clinic

Journal of Rehabilitation clinical communications, Vol. 2
Magaard, G., Stålnacke, B. M., Sörlin, A., Öhberg, F., Berggren, S., Grollmuss, E., & Hu, X.


Identifying Unmet Rehabilitation Needs in Patients After Stroke With a Graphic Rehab-Compass

Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 27, (11) : 3224-3235
Magaard, G., Wester, P., Levi, R., Lindvall, P., Gustafsson, E., Sedeh, A. N., ... & Hu, X.